《玛蒂尔达》 读书笔记
"Did you know", Matilda said suddenly, "that the heart of a mouse beats at the rate of six hundred and fifty times a second?"
"I did not," Miss Honey said smiling. "How absolutely fascinating. Where did you read that?"
"In a book from the library," Matilda said. "And that means it goes so fast you can't even hear the separate beats. It must sound just like a buzz."
"It must," Miss Honey said.
"And how fast do you think a hedgehog's heart beats?" Matilda asked.
"Tell me," Miss Honey said, smiling again.
"It's not as fast as a mouse," Matilda said. "It's three hundred times a minute. But even so, you wouldn't have thought it went as fast as that in a creature that moves so slowly, would you, Miss Honey?"
"I certainly wouldn't," Miss Honey said. "Tell me one more."
"A horse," Matilda said. "That's really slow. It's only forty times a minute."
This child, Miss Honey told herself, seems to be interested in everything. Whenone is with her it is impossible to be bored. I love it.
The two of them stayed sitting and talking in the kitchen for an hour or so longer, and then, at about six o'clock, Matilda said goodnight and set out to walk home to her parent's house, which was about an eight-minute journey away.
when one is with her it is impossible to be bored 跟她在一起永远不会无聊
an XX journey away 距离XX有多远的路程
原句:I didn't even feel the hotness building up behind my eyeballs.
词链: build up 累积;逐步增长
造句:If you don’t express your feelings, frustration and anger would build up. 你如果不表达的话,挫败感和愤怒就会累积。
原句:I've been expecting something like that to happen," she said.
词链:have been expecting XX 一直在期待
造句: I have been expecting your coming. 我一直期待你的到来。
原句:While you were in my class you had nothing to do, nothing to make you struggle.
词链:make XX struggle 让XX努力奋斗
造句:High living expenses make me struggle. 高昂的生活费用让我努力奋斗。
原句: Your fairly enormous brain was going crazy with frustration.
词链:going crazy with XX 因为XX而发疯
造句: I'm going crazy with loads of work every day. 每天工作太多,我都快疯了。
原句: It was bubbling and boiling awaylike mad inside your head.
词链1:bubble and boil away 冒泡沸腾(可以形容一种情感)
造句:I can feel the anger bubbling and boiling away in my heart. 我能感受到愤怒在我心中慢慢沸腾起来。
词链2:like mad 疯狂地
造句: They cheer like mad when the strikers score. 当前锋进球时他们疯狂地欢呼。
原句:There was tremendous energy bottled up in there with nowhere to go, and somehow or other you were able to shoot that energy out through your eyes and make objects move.
词链1:be bottled up in there with nowhere to go (某种情感)憋在心里无处发泄
造句:The feeling of not being understood is bottled up in there with nowhere to go. 不被人理解的感受憋在心里无处发泄。
词链2:somehow or other 想办法;莫名其妙地
造句:We have to pick up a living somehow or other. 我们总得想办法活下去啊。
原句:That's only a theory, mind you, and it may be a silly one, but I don't think it's far off the mark."
词链1:mind you 请注意;说实话(用于对前一句话的补充说明)
造句:She brought up two kids, mind you, and she is a single mother. 她养大了两个孩子,她还是个单亲妈妈。
词链2:be far off the mark 完全不可能
造句:Well, you're actually not far off the mark. 嗯,实际上你说的基本正确。
原句:I wouldn't want to go through life as a miracle-worker.
词链:go through life as XX 像XX一样过一生
造句: I don't want to go through the rest of my life as a liar. 我不想顶着一个骗子的罪名过完余生。
原句:She felt completely comfortable in her presence, and the two of them talked to each other more or less as equals.
词链1:in one's presence 在XX面前
造句:She feels as a child in her mother's presence even she is forty. 虽然她已经四十岁了,但在妈妈面前她还觉得自己是个孩子。
词链2:more or less 多多少少
造句:I get to like you more or less. 我多多少少开始喜欢你了。
原句:You are in the top form competing against children more than twice your age and all that mental energy is being used up in class.
词链:be used up 用光;耗尽
造句:My patience has been used up! Now, get away! 我的耐心都耗光了!走开!
词链提示:be far off the mark
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《《玛蒂尔达》 读书笔记》
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