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时间:2019-05-18 08:46:12 网站:公文素材库







good morning!

mr. john maddock, ms. jill baird, honored guests, colleagues and students:


www.bsmz.netpleted their academic study. among them, 39 graduates have got tafe diploma of english, and 9 graduates have got tafe diploma of chinese, it’s up to 87.3% of the total graduates www.bsmz.netote our college for a better and faster development through positively introducing the high quality educational resources from overseas and accelerating the training of the high quality skilled talents www.bsmz.nete to offer my www.bsmz.net have passed the band 4. 5 of them are recognized as outstanding graduates. meanwww.bsmz.netent, innovation and improvement through communications and blending to the outside www.bsmz.net, and according to the principle of “strengthen the research in international educational cooperation, making solid progress www.bsmz.netited; howww.bsmz.netan www.bsmz.net teacher cathy.

b: i’m tina.

a: howww.bsmz.neta master.


a:there are ____ graduates in this years. all of us are intering the demonstration junior schools. in our growww.bsmz.nete……



a: china is our motherland, she gives us a happy life. all the soldiers protect her. and nowww.bsmz.nete the principle of qiyuan international school. ms. chen lina to give us a speech and declare the beginning of the graduation ceremony

b:下面有请启元特色实验小学上台讲话,并宣布毕业典礼开始。 三,感恩父母

a: mother and father are my love. www.bsmz.netan. let’s thanks to our teachers.

b: 老师就像一本神奇的字典。他们教会我们知识,他们教会我们如何去感受爱和幸福。是他们帮助我们成为优秀的人,是他们让我成为有用的栋梁。在此时刻,让我们由衷的感谢我们敬爱的老师。

a:nowww.bsmz.neting www.bsmz.nete our ceo ms. www.bsmz.nete our principal ms. chen lina to announced the best students of five metals.




b:现在有请董事长王巍珈女士,________.________上台来颁奖。 a:






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1. steve jobs


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may 17, 201*201*年5月17日

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may 13, 201*201*年5月13日

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operating rooms of our great hospitals. www.bsmz.netuch damage to the terrorist netwww.bsmz.netany of you, i knowww.bsmz.netent, including and especially the state department, to harness the efforts of those www.bsmz.netents to meet the needs of this and future generations. you can help lay the groundwww.bsmz.netentals, the teamwww.bsmz.nete example of www.bsmz.net pleased to announce that over the next year the state department www.bsmz.nete today, go online and find the www.bsmz.netes that www.bsmz.netuch more apparent today. a flu starting in one country spreads quickly around the www.bsmz.nete extent i suppose it is alwww.bsmz.net one of my favorite baseball movies, a league of their owww.bsmz.net mexico, japan, taiwww.bsmz.netuch yet ahead that none of us can predict. there is no www.bsmz.netade it to the big leagues, and you are up to bat. go out and give us a future worthy of this great university, of this great city, of this great country, and of the world we all wish to create together.

thank you, congratulations, and godspeed. (applause.)

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