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时间:2019-09-04 23:23:17 网站:公文素材库


  Honorable teachers, dear schoolmates,

  Good morning!

  I am Yue Xiao fan and it is a great honor for me to speak to you today.

  The first thing I want to say it’s ‘thank you’. On behave of all the students, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the teachers who will guide us generously and help us navigate through our college studies.

  And thank you to all my schoolmates, It is your devotion bring us together in Beijing foreign studies university as one.

  Llittle prince says it is the time you spend that make your rose supermen and unique. There is without a doubt that some of us are going to be each other ’s roses and share a lifelong friendship. The bond between us will be strengthened by resonance and tested by adversities as well.

  We will be faced with challenges and barriers.sothere will be moments of confusion, exhaustion, when we are faced with challenges and.

  But I also believe firmly that those will transform and shine bright in our memories eventually.

  Since we are now at the gate of university, it is always necessary to have some chicken soup for soul. Working hard is vital obviously, but endeavoring hour by hour to learn to work hard is equally important .as Mr. mark wade suggests It is the trained, rapid intense, and sustained capacity for mental labor the greatest thing to get in college for that will be the main source of intellectual joys and content through out a long and busy life.

  The past memories of summer, be it exhilarating or upsetting, is faintly remain in the air, embracing the cool breeze of the early autumn, we unite in this ancient yet vigorous city,in this delicate campus.

  In this moment of mixed excitement and delight. I advocate all of us to get out of the comfort zone to see the vastness of our potential. Let us pursue our passion bravely to connect the dots down to the future. Let’s strive and see how our lives turn out to be.

  Today, we race the wind and take to the sky freely with dreams in our hearts.Tomorrow, we will become the mainstays of our country and compose a symphony of contribution and responsibility.

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