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时间:2019-03-29 01:13:23 网站:公文素材库

检讨书英语100字 本文简介:

检讨书英语100字  TeacherX:  Imwrong,verywrong.ButIdotknowwhereIwrong,couldyoutellme?Ifyoutellme,Iwillchangeit.Youknow?Areyousureyouknow?Wow,thoughIsayit,I

检讨书英语100字 本文内容:


  Teacher X:

  I"m wrong,very wrong.But I do"t know where I wrong,could you tell me?If you tell me,I will change it.You know?Are you sure you know?Wow,though I say it,I can"t know what I say.Are you god?You understand me,you are the sun for me,the air for me.I want to say very very sorry to you,give my heart to you,I hope you can excuse me.Becouse I think this is a small mistake which I did.Thank you!

  your student


  Distinguished teachers :

  Today, I was with 120,000 hours of the guilty as well as 120,000 hours you wrote something to this Jiantaoshu to you to express my deep horror absenteeism such bad behaviour can no longer absenteeism and death determination. I just go back in the class, you already gave, repeatedly stressed that the whole class, not late, not absenteeism. At that time, the teacher has to teach words are still ringing in our ears, serious expressions Jew in the eyes, I am deeply shocked and have profoundly realized the importance of the matter, then I have repeatedly told this as their top-priority task should not let our teachers a good intention. However, as Gorky said --- when you see something is very important, hardships and failures to follow.

检讨书英语100字 本文关键词:英语,检讨书

  来源:网络整理 免责声明:本文仅限学习分享,如产生版权问题,请联系我们及时删除。
