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外国名著英语读书笔记 Gone with the wind

时间:2019-05-17 12:17:40 网站:公文素材库

第一篇:Gone www.bsmz.netelanie(人名,媚兰).scarletts www.bsmz.netething that www.bsmz.netes,i www.bsmz.netonth ago and 16-year-old scarlett became a www.bsmz.netancipation proclamation got people s www.bsmz.nete an dangerous city, arsenal zre risk of explosion www.bsmz.netanage the family.athough the life www.bsmz.netet the www.bsmz.netethod(施展手段) and let him marry www.bsmz.neteone came across. melanie rose up (挺身而出)and protect them.tragedy struck again(悲剧再次降临),their daughter www.bsmz.netorrowww.bsmz.netargaret mitchell www.bsmz.netitchell graduated from the local www.bsmz.netitchell launched her career as a journalist under the name peggy mitchell, www.bsmz.nete, a thousand page novel, www.bsmz.netent to his cousin melanie hamilton. www.bsmz.nete to tara along www.bsmz.netoney saved towww.bsmz.neten are a part, pursues vengeance on her behalf and her second husband, frank is killed.

scarlett finally marries rhett www.bsmz.neted to getting her owww.bsmz.netember of the old south www.bsmz.netammy understands scarlett better than scarlett understands herself and is remarkably intuitive, but also protective and motherly.


the mood of this novel is very sympathetic towww.bsmz.netent of life in the nineteenth-century south, the novel is also the record of a twww.bsmz.netajor themes

fantasy versus reality

loss and change


第三篇:Gone www.bsmz.netan she has www.bsmz.neter age, its narrative engagement, its compelling portrait of the archetypal human instinct for survival, and its reflection of the contrariness of romantic dreams, Gone www.bsmz.netargaret mitchell www.bsmz.netean www.bsmz.netcompatible. to some extent, she www.bsmz.net so much.

summary of the article

there are four main characters in the novel, all introduced very early on of www.bsmz.netatters are made even www.bsmz.netoment, i knowww.bsmz.net greatly impressed by the characters, there are some opinion of my owww.bsmz.netany young men around her, her www.bsmz.net until she discover that www.bsmz.netily and tara, she even killed a northerner. later, she doesn’t care about rhett’s insultion, abased herself to get funds to pay the taxes. finally, she married her sister’s beau by cunning trick. all the thing she has done is for tara, her only home. she said: “i can’t let tara go, i can’t let it go www.bsmz.netodern lady should live indepently like her, don’t relay on anybody.

you knowww.bsmz.netped mother. she is so bad that i tend to hate her. but i’m not.

here some www.bsmz.netake person hate.

ⅲ.conclusion of her

in the ending, there is a famous www.bsmz.netost never too late to do www.bsmz.nete, she does housewww.bsmz.netore thing, www.bsmz.netissed them forever.

rhett, scarlett described him as this: “you’re a conceited, black-hearted varmint people. not a gentlemen.” on the contrary, i think he is a charming men, www.bsmz.netoment, rhett joins army, because he www.bsmz.netakes me moved.

during the www.bsmz.nete, he said he www.bsmz.netedy. the important is learn something form it.

every time to read classics, is a spiritual journey. in the journey, i learn a lot form it, about the www.bsmz.netore surprise and harvest.

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外国名著英语读书笔记 Gone with the wind


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