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时间:2019-05-22 01:55:46 网站:公文素材库



dear mr. smith

howww.bsmz.nete and you said “if you persist ,your english www.bsmz.net thankful for you to learn english. i am lucky and proud to have a teacher that likes you. best www.bsmz.netary often takes out the trash www.bsmz.netake my bed and books, but from monday to friday, because i am busy doing my homewww.bsmz.net)earn howww.bsmz.netputer games for too long and www.bsmz.nety sister and i www.bsmz.netore beautiful sky and farther place. i think the journey is useful and an unforgettable experience for me. i learnt a lot. www.bsmz.netust cross the street at the crosswww.bsmz.nety parents. my favourite sport is basketball. i often www.bsmz.nete ,ok?


everyonehasfriends . friendshipisoneofthemost importantthinginourdailylife.afriendisonewww.bsmz.netake more friends. 3.用一般将来时描述未来的生活

in the future i think my life www.bsmz.net at www.bsmz.netoment later, she found her bike www.bsmz.netewww.bsmz.netps and fell in love www.bsmz.net out and showww.bsmz.net books.i couldn"t get knowww.bsmz.netany different places of interest by traveling.i can learn a lot about people,places and history.it"s very interesting.www.bsmz.nety www.bsmz.nete. it should be more beautiful at that time 7.根据汉语提示及要求,以 my dream job 为题用英语写一篇短文。

提示:1。想成为一名记者。2。 打算给报纸,杂志写文章。 3。 高中毕业后想去北京上大学。 4. 想在一家电台工作并环游世界。

my dream job (我的理想工作)

www.bsmz.nety gift for mum.(给妈妈的礼物)

(一) mother’s day is coming. i www.bsmz.netoney .so , i must buy another one. i’ll go to the shop to buy a newww.bsmz.netany kindnesses to me.it"s her birthday tomorrowww.bsmz.netore www.bsmz.net going sightseeing and going shopping. www.bsmz.netething to make me growww.bsmz.net a middle school student. i study many subjects at school. there are chinese, maths, english, pe and so on. among them, i like english best, because in class i can not only learn howww.bsmz.netade up my mind to learn english www.bsmz.nety hobby

i like sports very much. www.bsmz.neteeting every spring.it really can relax myself and build my body.

i have many hobbies, such as reading ,painting, running ,looking after animals and so on. my favorite hobby is reading. i began to read at the age of 5. i often read in my spare time. it can make me feel free. i can also get knowww.bsmz.netost closeonesare friendsbesidesyourparents .

ifyouhavefriends ,remembertotakecareofeachother andtoforgivehis/her mistakes . onlyinthiswww.bsmz.netaybe your parents are www.bsmz.netessages to chat www.bsmz.netputers are

good helpers to people. they can help people to www.bsmz.netetimes computers are harmful to people. for example, somechildrens are lost in computer games. it is bad for thier health and study. and more and more people use computer to do everything. this makes them become lazy. in my opinion, if people use computers in a correct www.bsmz.netputer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. so he must give it up. i can play more sports www.bsmz.nete time, i’ll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him,too. if i try these, i am sure he www.bsmz.netuch, i often listen to your music programme www.bsmz.net a student at a junior high school nowww.bsmz.netuch timee. learn

2. mobile phone (2 sides)

3. problem

a. www.bsmz.netatter?


1.www.bsmz.netatter www.bsmz.nete medicine on sth. 在??上面敷药17. sound like 听起来像19. in the same www.bsmz.netachache.她常胃(肚子)疼。



2. have a cough 咳嗽4. talk too much 说得太多 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 8. have a sore back 背疼

10. lie dowww.bsmz.net 有心脏病 28. thanks to 多亏了 ;由于 30. save a life 挽救生命32. right awww.bsmz.nety temperature?


主语+ should/shouldn’t + 动词原形. ..(should情态动词“应该”,shouldn’t “不应该”, 其后接动词原形, 没有人称和数的变化, 用于提出建议。)

①you should lie dowww.bsmz.netade her feel good.


i hope you feel better soon.


better 是www.bsmz.netuchd.howww.bsmz.netedicine threetimes a day; you ___ better soon.

a. take; www.bsmz.netperature and

found he had a bad fever.

a. takeb.takesc. took

9.--www.bsmz.nete a lot of a______.

4. -i ’m s______ out .

- you need a rest.


1. 根据提示给你的英语老师写一张请假条。

have a fever ; doctor told me to stay in bed for two days; can’t go to school today ; tomorrow ; hope get well; very soon; thank you

2. tom每天都不能按时上交老师留的作业, 请你至少给他写5条建议, 建议要合情合理。tom can’t finish the homework on time. i think he should take the advice like:

he should ?

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