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时间:2019-05-22 07:05:18 网站:公文素材库

TPO1: A or D: At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.

1p: 先强调大学的功能( miniature of the society) 肩负大学生平衡发展的重任,需要保证足够的投资 2p: 学生喜欢运动,运动有利于学生身心健康。

3p: 学生喜欢参加社会活动,参加社会活动能拓展学生的人际网络。

4p: 政府和财政部门应该重视对体育设施和公共设施的建设,为学生创建良好物质条件。

TPO 2: A or D: Alwww.bsmz.neteans of transportation, such as metro. 2. People"s awww.bsmz.netade much cheaper and available to everyone. 3. Newww.bsmz.netedical equipments, but health is not guaranteed.3p: 更多沟通手段,但人与人之间的距离却日渐生疏。【我爸爸叫我下楼来吃饭,都是用微博】

TPO 7: A or D? It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn facts.

1p: Knowww.bsmz.netpact of technology on our lives - positive & negative - more creative

2p: computer and information technology --> graphic design (photoshop), animation (flash), e-music (cakewww.bsmz.net kids...让我陷入深深的思考。

2p: computer games并非一无是处。在这个年代,不会用电脑被视为illiterate。玩电脑游戏和网络游戏是一种趋势,不玩电脑游戏可能无法和同龄人沟通。例子:魔兽世界。

3p: 即便玩电脑游戏很多弊端,或有百害而无一利。家长也教师也不能禁止学生玩。成人也做很多浪费时间,浪费资源的事情。比如斗地主等。

4p: Restriction is never a good idea. 应该倡导一种和谐的气氛,引导学生知道该学习的时候努力学习,该放松的时候玩命放松。

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