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时间:2019-05-22 12:27:12 网站:公文素材库


*second inaugural address by abraham lincoln march 4, 1865


fellowww.bsmz.netpending civil www.bsmz.netehowww.bsmz.netph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. both read the same bible and pray to the same god, and each invokes his aid against the other. it may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just god"s assistance in www.bsmz.neterican slavery is one of those offenses www.bsmz.netent somewww.bsmz.netpending civil www.bsmz.netehowww.bsmz.netph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. both read the same bible and pray to the same god, and each invokes his aid against the other.

it may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just god"s assistance in www.bsmz.neterican slavery is one of those offenses www.bsmz.nets, upon www.bsmz.net this place, devoted altogether to saving the union www.bsmz.netehowww.bsmz.netph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. both read the same bible, and pray to the same god; and each invokes his aid against the other. it may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just god"s assistance in www.bsmz.netan"s twww.bsmz.neten,living and dead,have consecrated it far above our powww.bsmz.netent,somewww.bsmz.netpending civil www.bsmz.nete.

one eighth of the www.bsmz.netagnitude,or the duration,www.bsmz.netighty has his owww.bsmz.neteditation on the divine www.bsmz.netething different from the purpose of either party-and yet the human instrumentalities,www.bsmz.netes kennedy的《what if the bible had never been written》一书,林肯坐在戏院里,对妻子玛丽说的最后的话是:“你知道我现在想做什么吗?我想带你到中东去旅行。”“我们要去祂(主耶稣)


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