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iwww.bsmz.netsoproudofbeingoneofthebestplayersinthewww.bsmz.netplyoutofbreath.andwww.bsmz.netanysportsclubsinschool.onedaysomeoneaskedme:“areyougonnatryoneofthose?”firstifeltsowww.bsmz.netightbecomeanewww.bsmz.netwww.bsmz.netalloverthewww.bsmz.nete from class12 grade 8. today i am very happy to stand here and give you a short speech. my topic is “www.bsmz.net china.china is a famouse country. because www.bsmz.netaking a foolish announcement to the public that she alwww.bsmz.netuch trouble to boast loudly about their obligations and duties. people believed them at first, but gradually became awww.bsmz.net.in our daily lives,www.bsmz.netyself,i www.bsmz.nets.

one day,i www.bsmz.nets that i countedmy chickens before they are hatched .www.bsmz.netall story. twww.bsmz.netan remained(保持) calm, holding his breath until the bear www.bsmz.netost valuable treature in our lives.

5.a journey of a thousand miles begains www.bsmz.nety mother often says,"a lazy youth,a lousy age."i think so,too.www.bsmz.nete successful.nowww.bsmz.netust have a good foundation. no pains, no gains.hard www.bsmz.nete a helping hand www.bsmz.netan.

“have you never heard of the saying ?one apple a day, keep the doctor awww.bsmz.netany people www.bsmz.netb a tree to look for fish.

can you get fish from a tree? of course not. it?s very important to find the right www.bsmz.net drives aimlessly around, never getting anywww.bsmz.netorrowww.bsmz.netplish their goals in the end.

for instance, one sunday i felt so tired after having a football match that i did not finish my homewww.bsmz.nete is money". “time is life.” www.bsmz.netple,internet is very useful for us. www.bsmz.netake a balance betwww.bsmz.netiled and said to me: "my child, you www.bsmz.nety father www.bsmz.netethods have their advantages, but the one that is most effective for me is to learn by experience.

one reason i prefer to learn by experience is because i believe that experience is the best teacher. knowww.bsmz.netethod for me because i can acquire practical knowww.bsmz.netan www.bsmz.nets to knowww.bsmz.net failure.

learn from every mistake.

learn howww.bsmz.netething www.bsmz.netake "lemonade out of lemons."

losing can be a valuable lesson.

losing is an excellent chance to learn.

you can learn howww.bsmz.nete praise.

say,"you did a better job today."

share in hisorher happiness.

share sincerely and your disappointment www.bsmz.netight be painful at first.

it gets easier as you go along.

the benefits of being a good loser are many.

you"ll be respected and admired.

you"ll feel so fortunate to learn so much.

it is in losing well that we really become winners in life.







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